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Font Generators Tutorial

Font Generator arrow Upload Template

Upload Template

Note: Before Submitting your font file, Please make sure that javascript is enabled in your system. Don't you know how to enable javascript? Click here

The font name given in the form will appear as the font name in all applications, so ensure that you give a suitable name. Mention your email id so that you can preview your font there. Optionally provide copyright information, that will be embedded into your font.

Proceeding click on the browse button and select your completed template. Then finally click on upload button.

Your Name
*Font Name This will be your font file name.
Copy Right Data
*Your Email Id we will send your font files for preview to this mail Id.So enter correct mail Id.
*You can upload three samples of fonts. How many files do you want to upload?Just Enter the count in the box. Click "Show" Button to select the files to be uploaded.
* Mandatory Fields

Only template files with the extensions .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, and .tiff are allowed.

Step 3 <<

Step 5 >>